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  • Writer's pictureConnor Fritz

Starting a Story

I start this blog, and this site in general, in the hopes that it will get me more involved with my writing, advertising myself and my work, and get my thoughts sorted out. In truth this will be irregular, used mostly for bringing in subjects I'd like to put out and make updates about current projects. With the occasional venting. If there's anyone else reading these other than myself, hello! If you've read my bio page already then you've got a basic idea of who I am and probably know more about me than would be cautious, but in this day and age it feels like it's unavoidable for someone to pick apart who you are and find some way to exploit it.

After this post I will be trying to work on my second book, and will be starting weekly series set in the same universe (the Mystic Stars). In the future I might a few other projects up. I've been dabbing in digital painting and video making, but that will be on the "maybe at some point".

Be sure to visit my associates stuff as well. They deserve love too!

Until next time.

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